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The Undecided Party;

Politicians for a price that may surprise you.

Put a Politician in Your Pocket Today!!

The Perfect All-Occasion Gift.

Well that's the point, right? You don't honestly believe that all these corporations and lobby groups are throwing money around out of the goodness of their hearts or a sincere desire to strengthen democracy, do you? Or that an MP won't be more likely to take your call if you –and your spouse, all of your employees, children, dogs, goldfish, and dead Uncle Mike– made the maximum individual contribution and helped fund the campaign that got him or her that overpaid job with the obscene pension plan? Representation can be a costly proposition.

Well you can put your wallet away. Here at the Undecided Party, though we freely admit to having considered the whole political contribution scam– sorry, exercise (including some very attractive leasing options), we've decided that No Choice should be No Charge. As such, we can guarantee that no interest or individual will receive preferential treatment due to monetary behoovmentitude. That's not to say we won't be swayed by the way someone, as an example, wears their hair, but money will not be a factor.

(Of course, if the money is just BURNING a hole in your pocket,
the Undecided Party has a few commemorative items for sale through
But fear not, we promise not to play favourites no matter HOW much money you spend
(really, just try us), so you can indulge with a clear political conscience.
Click here if you'd like to 'browse our shops.'

And we're happy to have you support the Undecided Party in a completely non-monetary fashion, by wearing the free official Undecided Party campaign buttons, using the patented Undecided Party, "Do Not Disturb," door knob hanger, or displaying one of our tasteful banner signs in your windows, on your bumpers, on your finest t-shirts, and at other approved locations throughout your riding. Simply click to open the PDF files and print them on your home printer. Then be sure to tell your friends or email the files to them, so we can cover the country in a sea of red, white and gray.

Campaign Button

Proudly declare your allegiance to no one with this free Undecided Party campaign lapel button. (c. 350 K)

Download these 8-ish by 10-ish files to use as posters, or flip the images and print them out on transfer paper to make your own Undecided Party t-shirts. (files about 600k)

Use the following banners to decorate your personal environment, or print them on self-adhesive paper to create your own home-made bumper stickers. (about 450K)


"Best Choice" Banner

"Decided on Undecided" Banner

Door HangerOr, bring a stop to those irritating interruptions by door-to-door canvassers and candidates with this tasteful hanging door decoration. (c. 675K)

Additionally, you can take part in the Undecided Party's cutting-edge Astroturf Campaign!

For those not familiar with the term, Astroturf is an exciting improvement on so-called 'grassroots' activism, where supporters can now simply copy and paste their opinions from our website into their emails - which are then sent to TV, radio, and print media outlets throughout the area. And while most Astroturf campaigns try to hide their common point of origin, the UDP proudly asserts that all the ideas you express are ours.

Have a look at our exclusive Astroturf letter, and feel free to sign your name and forward it to your local media representatives.

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